
Astrology is about the interaction between the planets (including the Sun and Moon) and the signs. The relationships between them and their interactions are mathematically based, and astrology studies these mathematical cycles. Each sign represents a different aspect of the whole human; Aries starts the cycle, representing the self, and Pisces completes it, representing the mass unconscious of all mankind.

What We Do With ASTROLOGY?

Astrology can be understood as a philosophy that helps to explain life, rather than a type of mysticism that can be used as a predictive tool. Instead of discussing what the planets do to us, we can explain ourselves based on planetary indications.
With the help of astrology system, we predict your health issues of your past and future and then make you aware of the different about of issues. We give a report to make you manage your lifestyle according to what your body suits through that AAY report.

Astrology products act as a protective shield against all kinds of negative energies and help attract material prosperity, success, love, power, happiness, relationship, peace, the welfare of children, fulfillment of wishes and health.

  • The signs work the same way: Each of the 12 signs is a unique combination of one of the Four Elements — Earth, Air, Fire, Water — and one of the three Qualities — Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable. The Elements and Qualities demonstrate that we are all part of the environment. There is a connection between all living things and all matter on this planet. Astrology ties humans together: We are all faced with the same planetary interactions, and we are all part of the same cycles.
  • Despite all these connections, astrology does not tie you to being a certain way, and it doesn’t predict everything about you. Astrology explains the energy in your life and its potential challenges and possibilities. You can evolve from your chart. Astrology is about you. What you can learn from it can help you choose between free will and destiny.
  • Besides, astrology does not need to affect or change people’s religious beliefs. Most religions incorporate some idea linking the way you live your life to where you end up in the afterlife. Astrology deals with the same sort of idea through the concept of karma: What you do in this life determines what will happen to you in your next lifetime. The philosophies are the same; they are just expressed in different ways.
  • There are many different categories of astrology. Medical, business, and stock market astrology are often practiced for health or financial reasons. Whether astrology is popular in some areas. Mundane astrology is the study of politics and world events, while electional astrology helps people find favorable times or days to get married, start a business, begin a new job, and so on. Horary astrology is predictive, studying questions based upon the specific moment they arise. The most popular type of astrology, however, is natal, which analyzes people based on their time and place of birth.
  • Despite all these connections, astrology does not tie you to being a certain way, and it doesn’t predict everything about you. Astrology explains the energy in your life and its potential challenges and possibilities. You can evolve from your chart. Astrology is about you. What you can learn from it can help you make a choice between free will and destiny.
  • In addition, astrology does not need to affect or change people’s religious beliefs. In fact, most religions incorporate some idea linking the way you live your life to where you end up in the afterlife. Astrology deals with the same sort of idea through the concept of karma: What you do in this lifetime determines what will happen to you in your next lifetime. The philosophies are the same; they are just expressed in different ways.
  • There are many different categories of astrology. Medical, business and stock market astrology are often practiced for health or financial reasons. Weather astrology is popular in some areas. Mundane astrology is the study of politics and world events, while electional astrology helps people find favorable times or days to get married, start a business, begin a new job and so on. Horary astrology is predictive, studying questions based upon the specific moment they arise. The most popular type of astrology, however, is natal, which analyzes people based on their time and place of birth.